Friday 2 March 2012

HTML 4.01 Multimedia Tags

HTML 4.01 Multimedia Tags

<applet>Deprecated. Defines an embedded applet
<embed>Deprecated in HTML4 but not in HTML5. Defines an embedded object
<object>Defines an embedded object
<param>Defines a parameter for an object

Standard Attributes

classclassnameSpecifies a classname for an elementSTF
Specifies the text direction for the content in an elementSTF
ididSpecifies a unique id for an elementSTF
langlanguage_codeSpecifies a language code for the content in an elementSTF
stylestyle_definitionSpecifies an inline style for an elementSTF
tabindexnumberSpecifies the tab order of an elementSTF
titletextSpecifies extra information about an elementSTF
xml:langlanguage_codeSpecifies a language code for the content in an element, in XHTML documentsSTF
More information about Standard Attributes.

Event Attributes

onclickscriptScript to be run on a mouse clickSTF
ondblclickscriptScript to be run on a mouse double-clickSTF
onmousedownscriptScript to be run when mouse button is pressedSTF
onmousemovescriptScript to be run when mouse pointer movesSTF
onmouseoutscriptScript to be run when mouse pointer moves out of an elementSTF
onmouseoverscriptScript to be run when mouse pointer moves over an elementSTF
onmouseupscriptScript to be run when mouse button is releasedSTF
onkeydownscriptScript to be run when a key is pressedSTF
onkeypressscriptScript to be run when a key is pressed and releasedSTF
onkeyupscriptScript to be run when a key is releasedSTF
More information about Event Attributes.

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